One of the best, if not the best, ready-to-serve cheese fondues in HK !...
A unique dry cheese ball to shave or grate for seasoning dishes. The...
Lovely Gamay with great complexity. A fruit bomb.
Lovely Sauvignon Blanc, fresh, zesty.
A very refined and elegant rosé from Merlot.
Perfect Summer wine. Very refreshing with a touch of residual sugar and acidity, and a hint of minerality.
Fine and fruity Pinot Noir.
Very fruit forward delicate Pinot Noir.
A very fine Burgundy style Pinot Noir. Regularly listed in Top 10 Swiss Pinot lists. Pinot Noir N° 3 is part of the very exclusive selection of “Mémoire des Vins Suisses”. ** Pre-order opened - Delivery in June '17 **