One of the best, if not the best, ready-to-serve cheese fondues in HK !...
A unique dry cheese ball to shave or grate for seasoning dishes. The...
Lovely Gamay with great complexity. A fruit bomb.
Lovely Sauvignon Blanc, fresh, zesty.
A very refined and elegant rosé from Merlot.
Very rare low production 348 btls + 18 magnums author's wine by the very talented Caroline Frey. Very fine and elegant smart white blend of Chasselas and Johannigberg (Silvaner). HK allocation: 30 btls + 6 magnums [ 3 btl's max per client; additional reservation possible on demand ]
Very rare low production 348 btls + 18 magnums author's wine by the very talented Caroline Frey. Very fine and elegant smart white blend of Chasselas and Johannisberg (Silvaner). HK allocation: 30 btls + 6 magnums [ 2 magnums max per client ] Only 18 magnum produced !