Latest update 10-MAY-2024

SWISS WINE REGIONS AND WINES LEARNING RESOURCES PAGE - The official website of Swiss Wine Promotion. - Swiss Wine Campus, an online education platform developed by Swiss Wine Promotion.

Swiss Wine App - Apple  and Android  Apps published by Swiss Wine Promotion.

Swiss Wine Landscape [ click on the images below to download ]

Swiss Wine Map & Overview [ click on the images below to download ]

Wine Regions and Wines of Switzerland - A 100 pages bookazine published by Swiss Wine Promotion and its accompanying maps [ available in the Swiss Wine App or click on the images below to download ]

Swiss Vineyards - A 31 pages vineyard overview [ click on the images below to download ]

swisswine_bookazine_e_web.jpg SWP vignoble-suisse-en.png

The Wine Regions of Switzerland


Regional Maps & Infographics

VALAIS [ click on the images below to download ]

VAUD [ click on the images below to download ]

GENEVA [ click on the images below to download ]

THREE-LAKES [ click on the images below to download ]

GERMAN-SPEAKING [ click on the images below to download ]

TICINO   [ ITALIAN SPEAKING ] [ click on the images below to download ]


Regional Associations

 VALAIS - Les Vins du Valais   [ ]

 VAUD - Les Vins Vaudois   [ ]

 GENEVA - Genève Terroir   [ ]


 Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir   [ ]

 Weinbauregion Bielersee   [ ]

 Le Vully   [ ]


25px-Wappen_Aargau_matt-svg.png AARGAU - Aargauer Wein [ ]

25px-Armoiries_des_Deux_Bâle.png BASEL - Weinregion Basel Solothurn [ ]

     CENTRAL SWITZERLAND (LUZERN, URI, SCHWYZ, UNTERWALD) - Luzern und Zentralschweiz   [ ]

25px-Wappen_Graubünden_matt-svg.png GRISONS / GRAUBÜNDEN - Graubünden Wein   [ | wine map ]


 SCHAFFAUSEN - Schaffhauser Blauburgunderland [ ]

 THUNERSEE - Thunersee Wein [ ]

 THURGAU - Thurgau Weine [ ]

 ZURICH - Zürcher Weinbaugebiete   [ ]

 ZURICH - Weinbaumuseum am Zürichsee   [ ]

TICINO - Ticino Wine   [ ]

Regional VINUM & Swiss Wine Promotion Publications
 [ available in the Swiss Wine App or click on the images below to download ]

GERMAN SPEAKING 2019   [ french & german only ] [ click on the images below to download ]


VAUD [ click on the images below to download ]

VALAIS [ click on the images below to download ]

THREE-LAKES - NEUCHÂTEL [ click on the images below to download ]

TICINO [ ITALIAN SPEAKING ] [ click on the images below to download ]

Google Map

Google Map with pointers to Vineyard Routes and Treks, Photo Points, Museums & Places, Restaurants, and more.

Harvest Start

VAUD 2023 | 30-SEP (Dézaley)
VAUD 2022 | 30-AUG
VAUD 2021 | 27-SEP



AOC Genève

German Speaking Switzerland

AOC Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures  / Appenzell Ausserrhoden
AOC Argovie / Aargau
AOC Bâle-Campagne / Basel-Landschaft / Baselland
AOC Bâle-Ville / Basel-Stadt
AOC Berne / Bern
AOC Glaris / Glarus
AOC Grisons / Graubünden
AOC Lucerne / Luzern
AOC Nidwald / Nidwalden
AOC Obwald / Obwalden
AOC Saint-Gall / St. Gallen
AOC Schaffhouse / Schaffausen
AOC Schwyz
AOC Soleure / Solothurn
AOC Thurgovie / Thurgau
AOC Thurnersee
AOC Zürich
AOC Zürichsee


DOC Ticino


AOC Cheyres
AOC Jura
AOC Lac de Bienne / Bielersee
AOC Neuchâtel
AOC Vully


AOC Bonvillars
AOC Calamin Grand Cru
AOC Chablais
AOC Côtes de l’Orbe
AOC Dézaley Grand Cru
AOC La Côte
AOC Lavaux
AOC Vully


AOC Valais

Old links

Key figures
Grape Varieties