One of the best, if not the best, ready-to-serve cheese fondues in HK !...
A unique dry cheese ball to shave or grate for seasoning dishes. The...
Lovely Gamay with great complexity. A fruit bomb.
Lovely Sauvignon Blanc, fresh, zesty.
A very refined and elegant rosé from Merlot.
Old indigenous white varietal from Grisons / Graubünden.
Old indigenous white varietal from Grisons / Graubünden.
Very rare indigenous white varietal from Grisons/Graubünden. Lemon zest with quince notes. Buttery and creamy. Lean and richly textured. Small production 1,000 blts. Small HK allocation 30 btls only ! 2022 vintage reservations due May/June 2024 now opened !
Rare indigenous grape variety from Grisons/Graubünden. A lovely rendition of Completer from Swiss Wine Legend Marie-Thérèse Chappaz. Very small production. Very rare and hard to get. HK allocation: 6 btls only ! Biodynamic.